Learning to read Icelandic Patterns
Pappkarton, Klebeband, Farbe, Bilder (Öl auf Leinwand).
Iceland from the first glance has overwhelmed us with it's astonishing beauty. We felt like we've either landed on another planet or found ourselves inside a work of art. Our visual senses were stimulated to such a heightened degree, that we started to doubt the actual existence of this place and our presence in it, sometimes toying with an idea, that we've been pasted into the marvelous landscape by virtue of Photoshop... Our one month stay in the ArtsIceland Residency in Ísafjörður resulted in a modest attempt to understand this place. We were learning to "read" the landscape, the people, their view on the rest of the world and on themselves. We were particularly interested in getting to know some local farmers, who were kind enough to let us glimpse into their unique world. Our discoveries were documented in forms of painterly sketches. At the end of our stay, we had a small exhibition at the Outvert Art Space. We invited the viewers to step inside our “studio" and to become a part of the project, that we most certainly will develop further.