

Medeinwerkstatt - ausstellung Material turn Unseen

The MEDIA WORKSHOP / kulturwerk bbk berlin / invites you to an exhibition dedicated to the material aspects of media art. Opening // 16.05.2024 // 5 pm in the Rooms of Druckwerkstatt, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin, 1st floor

15.03.2024 | In 2025, we will celebrate 50 years of the print workshop at the kulturwerk of the bbk berlin! An appeal!

Druckwerkstatt im Kunstquatier Bethanien

In 2025, the print workshop at the bbk berlin's kulturwerk will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. It has been a vibrant place of artistic productio for half a century. We call for participation in the preparations for this great anniversary!

Finissage „35 Jahre Grafikedition“ and talk on March 15, 2024 6 - 9 pm

Ausstellung 12-12-35_Druckwerkstatt im Bethanien

The Day of Printmaking on March 15 will be celebrated at the exhibition finissage with the participating artists: Viola Bendzko, Carsten Borck, Christoph Damm, Helmut Gutbrod, Claudia Hartwig, Jase Kala, Patrick Kaufmann, Carmen McPherson, Helga Ntephe, Deborah S. Phillips, Matthias Taube und Ila Wingen. Please join us!

Decolonial Memorial: Symposium | 4p.m-2p.m.


The Team of Global Village would like to invite you to the first public event of the project Decolonial Memorial at the Berlin Global Village on October 31st 2023 at 4pm: a large thematic symposium around decolonization and art. There will be exciting discussion panels, live painting, performances and much more. We hope you will come by!

27.06.2023 | kunststadt stadtkunst 70-2023


Die Fachzeitschrift kunststadt/stadtkunst wird jährlich vom Büro für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum im kulturwerk des bbk berlin herausgegeben. Sie informiert über die neuesten Entwicklungen der Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Berlin und sorgt für Transparenz rund um das staatliche Auftragsgeschehen für Kunst am Bau und Kunst im Stadtraum im Land Berlin und in den Berliner Bezirken.

31.03.2023 | "Finally a bit of animation!" Japan meets Berlin | in the Medienlabor

endlich ein bisschen animation

The Media Workshop celebrates the farewell of Lioba von den Driesch, the contact to the Japanese artist Yasuto Yura, organizer of the independent film festival "VIDEO PARTY", and the new media lab with a screening and an exhibition. On display will be a wealth of animations of various kinds from Japan and Berlin.

05.07.2022 | rbb: Uferhallen in Moabit are about to undergo a big change | Martin Schwegmann in conversation

Martin Schwegmann im Gespräch - rbb abendschau

The Uferhallen in Moabit, a place for alternative art and culture, is facing a major upheaval. The entire area is to be rebuilt and surrounded by flats. The artists now fear for their prospects - because in other districts of the city, art locations have already irretrievably disappeared. In conversation: Martin Schwegmann, Studio Commissioner for Berlin. A contribution by Christian Titze.

New regulation: Parking at the sculpture workshop

BHW Zugang Osloerstraße

Parking at the sculpture workshop is possible only with restrictions.

Media workshop: 2G+ for teams

Medienwerkstatt Corona Wiedereröffnung

For teams with more than two persons we follow the 2G + covid rules (only vaccinated, recovered plus a negativ test) in all of the rooms of the media workshop. The same rule applies for inductions and coaching, whenever a distance of 1,5 m could not be complied.

08.11.2021 | NEW SUBSIDY DIRECTIVE for the studio rental program

We are pleased to inform you that the new subsidy directive for the studio rental programme came into force on 1 November 2021. The guideline was agreed between the Studio Office in the Kulturwerk of the bbk berlin and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and replaces the previous guideline from 1993.

Opening hours of the Media workshop since August 2021

Medienwerkstatt Corona Wiedereröffnung

From August 2, 2021, the Media workshop will reopen with normal operating hours. Access, as in all other indoor areas, is only possible for vaccinated, recovered and tested persons with appropriate proof. The number of workstations must also remain reduced due to the continued existence of clearance rules. Appointments should therefore be requested without fail. Contact studio managers! We ask for

Erster digitaler Kunst am Bau Wettbewerb erfolgreich durchgeführt!

PM | 07.04.2020 | Aufgrund der Ausgangsbeschränkungen des Landes Berlin zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie und der Unmöglichkeit Sitzungen abzuhalten, entwickelte das Büro für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum einen ersten Leitfaden zur digitalen Durchführung von Wettbewerben für Kunst am Bau und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum.

Wettbewerbsrekord 2019 für Kunst am Bau und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum

PM | 17.01.2020 | 2019 hat das Büro mit großer Anstrengung und Freude seinen bisherigen Arbeitshöhepunkt erreicht und damit 47 Wettbewerbe für Kunst am Bau und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum begleitet. Das ist der absolute Rekord seit Existenz des Büros.

How to masterplan the creative city?

Dr. Martin Schwegmann in Bristol

Besides concrete guidelines (master plans, white papers,...) for politics and planning of politics and administrations, we need a) a resilient civil society and b) trend-setting pilot projects in order to create sustainable structures beyond the political business cycle - this is the quintessence of my lecture in Bristol in October this year.

ART CITY LAB 2 / new spaces for art


The studio commissioner and raumlaborberlin in cooperation with: Artprojekt & Gewobag under the patronage of: Katrin Lompscher, Senator for Urban Development and Housing: How can Berlin's artists be kept in the city? Central findings and demands of the publication:

White Paper on studio funding

Weissbuch - Atelierförderung

The White Paper on Studio Funding is the result of a six-month process initiated by the studio commissioner for Berlin at the Kulturwerk des bbk berlin to address the issue of the future of studio funding in greater depth together with the relevant players in the production, maintenance and use of work spaces, especially for the visual arts.


Cover des Buchs Art City Lab

Artistic production and the spaces available for this within the urban fabric have always played a valuable role in urbanization processes. Art City Lab takes Berlin as an example of such developments.