Media workshop 

Computer Workstations

Differently equipped workstations and individual advice

Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz

Hardware / Software

Large workstations  iMac Pro(2017), 3.2GHz Intel Xenon W, 32GB Ram, Mac Os Big Sur (one of them in a separate room)

  • 2 iMac Pro 27" each with a second monitor (HD, 4K)
  • 1 Mac Pro (tower) with a calibrated video monitor for color correction in a separate room
  • Software: Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro CC und weitere Creative Cloud Programme, Da Vinci Resolve Studio, Logic and others
  • Audio interfaces + audio monitors (Genelec),

Small workplaces

  • new Mac systems: 3 iMac 27"
    Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro CC und weitere Creative Cloud Programme, Da Vinci Resolve Studio, Logic u.a.
    audio interfaces + monitors (Genelec)
  • Old Mac systems: 2 Mac Pro (3.1) Mac Os 10.8
    among other tasks for the digitization of analog video formats: S-VHS, Hi 8, Umatic, Beta SP, Digibeta (with professional video cards: Aja Kona LHe)
  • Software: Final Cut Pro 7, Adobe Premiere CS 5 und 6 und weitere Adobe CS Programme and otheres
  • Windows PCs: 3 differently equipped workstations:
  • Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC und weitere Creative Cloud Programme, Da Vinci Resolve, Agis Meta Shape, Cinema4D Studio 18, Brekel, Blender, u.a.
  • Hardware: Intel i7, Nvidia GeForce GTX, AJA Kona LHi, Decklink Studio 4K
  • mobile devices (MacBook Pro) for special tasks inside the workshop / the studios
  • Analogue formats: SVHS, U-matic Lowband (PAL und NTSC), Hi8, Beta SP, Digibeta (PAL), DAT, also two old Steenbeck cutting tables (16mm, 35mm)
  • other: Video-/audio interfaces, VR glasses, 3D printer, prof. webcam, monitors, video beamers and others

We provide accompanying assistance and troubleshooting during the realisation of a project. Continuous assistance, however, is only possible by prior arrangement. Short introductions to programs and the execution of commissioned work must be booked separately.

Prices: see price list

Medienwerkstatt Computerplaetze 14
Medienwerkstatt  Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerplaetze 13
Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerarbeitsplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz Detail
Medienwerkstatt Analog Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Analog Abtaster
Medienwerkstatt Analog Abtaster Detail
Medienwerkstatt Analog Abtaster Detail
Medienwerkstatt Anlagog Schneidetisch
Medienwerkstatt Analog Schneidetisch Detail
Medienwerkstatt Computerplatz
Medienwerkstatt Computerplaetze Lioba von den Driesch
Medienwerkstatt Titelbild Beratungen


    The Media workshop offers advice on artistic projects and technical questions as far as our expertise is sufficient.

    • general project advice
    • video formats
    • audio issues - microphones
    • Troubleshooting in using computer programs (also on own devices - only on site)
    • camera advice
    • Exhibition equipment (video / audio installation)

    Appointments can be made by phone, e-mail or on site. The user fee will be calculated as a flat-rate amount by arrangement. For questions which we cannot answer, we try to find further experts.

    Andrea Huyoff
    Ilka Forst, Manfred Miersch, Jo Zahn (Team)

    tel 030 614015-79 / 030 551472-84