Computer Workstations
Differently equipped workstations and individual advice

Hardware / Software
Large workstations iMac Pro(2017), 3.2GHz Intel Xenon W, 32GB Ram, Mac Os Big Sur (one of them in a separate room)
- 2 iMac Pro 27" each with a second monitor (HD, 4K)
- 1 Mac Pro (tower) with a calibrated video monitor for color correction in a separate room
- Software: Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro CC und weitere Creative Cloud Programme, Da Vinci Resolve Studio, Logic and others
- Audio interfaces + audio monitors (Genelec),
Small workplaces
- new Mac systems: 3 iMac 27"
Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro CC und weitere Creative Cloud Programme, Da Vinci Resolve Studio, Logic u.a.
audio interfaces + monitors (Genelec)
- Old Mac systems: 2 Mac Pro (3.1) Mac Os 10.8
among other tasks for the digitization of analog video formats: S-VHS, Hi 8, Umatic, Beta SP, Digibeta (with professional video cards: Aja Kona LHe) - Software: Final Cut Pro 7, Adobe Premiere CS 5 und 6 und weitere Adobe CS Programme and otheres
- Windows PCs: 3 differently equipped workstations:
- Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC und weitere Creative Cloud Programme, Da Vinci Resolve, Agis Meta Shape, Cinema4D Studio 18, Brekel, Blender, u.a.
- Hardware: Intel i7, Nvidia GeForce GTX, AJA Kona LHi, Decklink Studio 4K
- mobile devices (MacBook Pro) for special tasks inside the workshop / the studios
- Analogue formats: SVHS, U-matic Lowband (PAL und NTSC), Hi8, Beta SP, Digibeta (PAL), DAT, also two old Steenbeck cutting tables (16mm, 35mm)
- other: Video-/audio interfaces, VR glasses, 3D printer, prof. webcam, monitors, video beamers and others
We provide accompanying assistance and troubleshooting during the realisation of a project. Continuous assistance, however, is only possible by prior arrangement. Short introductions to programs and the execution of commissioned work must be booked separately.
Prices: see price list
The Media workshop offers advice on artistic projects and technical questions as far as our expertise is sufficient.
- general project advice
- video formats
- audio issues - microphones
- Troubleshooting in using computer programs (also on own devices - only on site)
- camera advice
- Exhibition equipment (video / audio installation)
Appointments can be made by phone, e-mail or on site. The user fee will be calculated as a flat-rate amount by arrangement. For questions which we cannot answer, we try to find further experts.
Andrea Huyoff
Ilka Forst, Manfred Miersch, Jo Zahn (Team)
tel 030 614015-79 / 030 551472-84