Aurelie Pertusot



Luftschloss is site-specific fragile wire house especially imagined for the Neukölln district in Berlin, which was at this time at the beginn of the gentrification process. Suspended, it does not occupy any territory on the ground and questions the appropriation of public space while recalling the tree houses of our childhood. The image of the house reminds us of our origins, where we come from (it was often associated with the mother's womb). It preserves a part of our past: "Thanks to the house, a great number of our memories are housed" (Gaston Bachelard, the poetics of space). The installation is an apparition for the inhabitants who do not necessarily notice it immediately in the urbanscape, but may have the feeling that something is missing when it disappears. It represents the transition and the change, and gives us a glimpse of the possibilities of a city.

48 Stunden Neukölln Kunstfestival, Lahnstrasse, Berlin mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Fachbereichs Kultur des Bezirksamtes Neukölln.

Installation in public space, rope, 4 x 4 x 4 m. Berlin, Neukölln.

Installation in public space, rope, 4 x 4 x 4 m. Berlin, Neukölln.