Location: Schrebergarten in Weimar, Germany (Kleingartenanlage Silberblick e. V., Steinhügelweg 1)
Various Sport Equipments, Scaffolding, Wooden Crib, Belts
3,64 x 3,20 x 0,73 M
Format: Installation 3,64 x 3,20 x 0,73 M, Video Documentation 1’22”
This project is a consequence of my research on the founding of the “Schrebergarten” and the man, Mr Schreber (not the founder), who devised apparatuses reminiscent of contemporary gym equipment and experimented on his children to support his theory on children’s excessive energy and its need to be released.
This installation was constructed in winter, it transformed the gardenscape into a place where all the surrounding trees and elements seemed to begin to correspond. This work became something sculptural and surreal in the actual site and context. The mere functionalities of the original equipment have been translated into absurdity.