Vadim Zakharov
Vadim Zakharov – Biography and CV
Vadim Zakharov was born in Duschanbe in 1959. He is an artist, editor, archivist of the Moscow Conceptual art scene, collector. Since 1979 he has participated in exhibitions of unofficial art and collaborated with such artists as: V.Skersis, S.Anufriev, A.Monastyrski, Y.Leiderman.
In 1982–1983 he participated in the AptArt Gallery, Moscow. Since 1992 he has published the Pastor magazine and founded the Pastor Zond Edition. In 2006 he edited the book Moscow Conceptualism. In 2008 he founded the website His retrospective 25 Years on One Page was held at the Tretjakov Gallery in 2006. He represented Russia at the Venice Biennale in 2013 with the project Danaë.
He lives and works in Berlin.
Selected honors and awards
Griffelkunst-Preis, Hamburg, 1995
Best work of visual Art 2006 - V. Zakharov, Contemporary Visual Art Award "Innovation", Moscow
Joseph Brodsky Memorial Fellowship Fund, American Academy in Rome, 2007
Kandinsky Prize - Best Work of the Year 2009, Moscow
Public project
Adorno Monument. Theodor-Adorno-Platz, Frankfurt a/Main, 2003
Selected solo exhibitions and installations
Exhibitions in Apartment and studios, Moscow
Vadim Zakharov, Kunstverein, Freiburg im Breisgau
Vadim Zakharov, Galerie Peter Pakesch, Wien
Vadim Zakharov, Galerie Sophia Ungers, Köln
"Das Weissanstreichen von Peter und dem Wolf auf dem Territorium der Garnitur von
Madame Schleuse”, Galerie Walcheturm, Zürich
“Der letzte Spaziergang durch die Elysischen Felder", Retrospektive 1978-1995, Kölner Kunstverein
Projekt und Errichtung des Denkmals für Theodor W. Adorno anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstages, Theodor-Adorno-Platz, Frankfurt a/Main
“Vadim Zakharov. 25 years on one page” Retrospective 1978-2006, State Tretjakov Gallery, Moscow
“Lessons in the Boudoir”, Stella Art Gallery, Moscow
«Author – Monument to Utopia» Hommage to Pavel Filonov`s exhibition “Witness of the Unseen”, The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Museum of Private Collection, Moscow.
“Close to Copy – Close to Original”, Kunststation Sankt Peter, Köln
“Black Birds” installation in 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art,
Museum of Byzantine Culture.
“Collection and Archive by Vadim Zakharov”, National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow
“Vadim Zakharov, Maria Porudominskaja “Ideologisches Defilee. Nach dem werk von
Bertolt Brecht Meti. Buch der Wendungen”, Arsenal, Nizni Novgorod, 2013
“Danaë”, Russian Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale.
“Dead Languages Dance. Fall collection”, TSUM, 5th Moscow Biennale.
"Space Odyssey”, CAFAM BIENNALE, Beijing
3rd Biennale of Bahia, Museum of Modern Art of Bahia
“Interior of Archivist”, Gallery Mario Marouner, Wien, 2014
“Postscript after RIP: A Video Archive of Moscow Artists’ Exhibitions 1989 - 2014”, Garage, Moscow
“Movie in one page”, Gallery Mario Marouner, Salzburg, 2015
“Film in One Drawing – DADA Films”, Stiftung Arina Kowner, Zürich
“Tunguska event. History marches on a table, 2 days performance at Whitechapel gallery, London
2018 “Tunguska event. History marches on a table, 3 days performance at Art City Bologna, Arte Fiera, MAMbo museum, Bologna
2018 “Moscow Conceptualism presented by Vadim Zakharov” (action and installation), “Hello World. Revision a Collection”, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, 2018
2020 "CONCEPTUAL COMICS", Éditions Incertain Sens / Cabinet du livre d'artiste